2018 Bay Area festivals and fairs: From county fairs to kids and music festivals
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◎ 2018 Bay Area festivals and fairs: From county fairs to kids and music festivals 2018-05-12 相關報導: - 2018 Bay Area festivals and fairs: From county fairs to kids and music festivals The Mercury News 【 https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/05/12/2018-bay-area-festivals-and-fairs-from-county-fairs-to-kids-and-music-festivals/ 】 ◎ Covey: Lee USA Speedway's season kicks off Saturday 2018-05-11 相關報導: - Covey: Lee USA Speedway's season kicks off Saturday Seacoastonline.com 【 http://www.seacoastonline.com/sports/20180510/covey-lee-usa-speedways-season-kicks-off-saturday 】 ◎ Queens adds top NC player, Mallard Creek alum to recruiting class 2018-05-13 相關報導: - Queens adds top NC player, Mallard Creek alum to recruiting class Charlotte Post 【 http://www.thecharlottepost.com/news/2018/05/12/sports/queens-adds-top-nc-player-mallard-creek-alum-to-recruiting-class/ 】 ◎ Kenmawr Bridge between Rankin and Swissvale will be replaced next year 2018-04-25 相關報導: - Kenmawr Bridge between Rankin and Swissvale will be replaced next year Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 【 http://www.post-gazette.com/news/transportation/2018/04/24/Kenmawr-Bridge-Rankin-Swissvale-PennDOT-replace-next-year-Port-Authority-Norfolk-Southern/stories/201804230170 】 ◎ 'NYPD Blue': The Top 4 Episodes to Stream on Hulu 2018-05-12 相關報導: - 'NYPD Blue': The Top 4 Episodes to Stream on Hulu TVInsider 【 https://www.tvinsider.com/683681/nypd-blue-streaming-hulu/ 】