動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/jr pass/jr pass?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ Quels bus concernés avec le JR Pass ? 2018-09-03 相關報導: - Quels bus concernés avec le JR Pass ? Kanpai 【 https://www.kanpai.fr/voyage-japon/questions/quels-bus-concernes-jr-pass 】 ◎ 【懶人包】日本JR線玩透透北中南詳盡解析自由行變簡單! 2018-08-09 相關報導: - 【懶人包】日本JR線玩透透北中南詳盡解析自由行變簡單! udn 聯合新聞網 【 https://udn.com/news/story/9650/3292851 】 ◎ Durée de validité pour l'échange du voucher JR Pass ? 2018-09-03 相關報導: - Durée de validité pour l'échange du voucher JR Pass ? Kanpai 【 https://www.kanpai.fr/voyage-japon/questions/duree-validite-lechange-voucher-jr-pass 】 ◎ 台灣拚觀光釋利多招手僑胞 2018-08-29 相關報導: - 台灣拚觀光釋利多招手僑胞 udn 聯合新聞網 【 https://udn.com/news/story/6813/3336460 】 ◎ JR Todd becomes 19th driver to secure No. 1 in both Nitro categories; Gray, Smith top US Nationals field 2018-09-03 相關報導: - JR Todd becomes 19th driver to secure No. 1 in both Nitro categories; Gray, Smith top US Nationals field NHRA.com 【 https://www.nhra.com/news/2018/jr-todd-becomes-19th-driver-secure-no-1-both-nitro-categories-gray-smith-top-us-nationals 】 - JR Todd tops Funny Car qualifying at US Nationals New Zealand Herald 【 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=12118338 】